11) One of History's Best Great Adventures (Video)


This session ends the first half of The Great Adventure series. Robert will make some general...

12) Your Unique Design (Audio)


This session kicks off the "Your Unique Design" survey. Bill Wellons will go through the core...

12) Your Unique Design (Video)


This session kicks off the "Your Unique Design" survey. Bill Wellons will go through the core...

13) Evidence of Our Unique Design, Part 1 (Audio)


This session will review the core concept of "Your Unique Design" as well as the practical...

13) Evidence of Our Unique Design, Part 1 (Video)


This session will review the core concept of "Your Unique Design" as well as the practical...

14) Evidence of Our Unique Design, Part 2 (Audio)


In this session, Bill will talk about the grace gifts at conversion and foundational principle #3....

14) Evidence of Our Unique Design, Part 2 (Video)


In this session, Bill will talk about the grace gifts at conversion and foundational principle #3....

15) Understanding Your Servants by Design Profile, Part 1 (Audio)


Bill continues the discussion on the results of the men's Your Unique Design surveys. He will...

15) Understanding Your Servants by Design Profile, Part 1 (Video)


Bill continues the discussion on the results of the men's Your Unique Design surveys. He will...

16) Understanding Your Servants by Design Profile, Part 2 (Audio)


In the third session on the Your Unique Design profile, Bill continues the discussion on the...

16) Understanding Your Servants by Design Profile, Part 2 (Video)


In the third session on the Your Unique Design profile, Bill continues the discussion on the...

17) Writing Your Personal Mission Statement (Audio)


Bill reviews all that he has been teaching the last several weeks. He will also address the...

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