05) The Adventurer's Sacred Oath (Video)


Robert will go through the second half of the adventurer's wiring diagram that he started last week...

06) Taking the Great Adventure Out of This World (Audio)


Robert starts the session by going over four reflections on sacred ground from last week. He will...

06) Taking the Great Adventure Out of This World (Video)


Robert starts the session by going over four reflections on sacred ground from last week. He will...

07) Every Man's Adventure with Eternity (Audio)


Robert addresses faith decisions in this session. He will discuss what the religions of the world...

07) Every Man's Adventure with Eternity (Video)


Robert addresses faith decisions in this session. He will discuss what the religions of the world...

08) Refocusing My Life for Adventure (Audio)


Robert reviews a man's wiring and what the men have learned thus far. He will go through "Your...

08) Refocusing My Life for Adventure (Video)


Robert reviews a man's wiring and what the men have learned thus far. He will go through "Your...

09) Being Advised of Adventure Busters, Part 1 (Audio)


The first of two sessions on the adventure busters starts off with a vision to live and then goes...

09) Being Advised of Adventure Busters, Part 1 (Video)


The first of two sessions on the adventure busters starts off with a vision to live and then goes...

10) Being Advised of Adventure Busters, Part 2 (Audio)


In the second session on adventures busters, Robert addresses three more of these busters including...

10) Being Advised of Adventure Busters, Part 2 (Video)


In the second session on adventures busters, Robert addresses three more of these busters including...

11) One of History's Best Great Adventures (Audio)


This session ends the first half of The Great Adventure series. Robert will make some general...

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