The Game Inside

The Game Inside

Mar 29, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
The game of golf has a way of mirroring events that occur in real life. In golf as in life, focusing on impressing others can result in some embarrassing moments. In both golf and life, trying to compensate for insecurities by demanding perfection from yourself leads to a frustrating experience and missed opportunities to enjoy the people and world around you. In golf and life, beating yourself up for mistakes creates a horrible narrative in your own mind that leads to bad decisions, low... read more
Reframing Idolotry

Reframing Idolotry

Jan 27, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
Basically, most of us think of idols and idolatry as ideas that are kind of out there—concepts that don’t have any application to our everyday lives. Unfortunately, we’re wrong. That’s because the definition of idolatry isn’t limited to worshiping a physical idol. ... read more
The Top 5 Posts of 2021

The Top 5 Posts of 2021

Dec 28, 2021 by Authentic Manhood
The final pages of 2021 are upon us, yet despite all the progress forward, we're still faced with a great deal of uncertainty about what lies ahead for 2022. However, you can be certain about how to live a life of truth, passion, and purpose as a man by taking a journey with Authentic Manhood. Part of that journey is the help and encouragement provided through our blog. To make sure you didn't miss our most popular articles, here's the best of the best from the past 12 months. You'll find... read more
Leave The Past Behind

Leave The Past Behind

Nov 23, 2021 by Authentic Manhood
The past is like a rearview mirror. It’s an important piece of equipment to have on your vehicle, but its purpose is to glance at and not to stare into. If you spend all your time looking at the rearview mirror, you’ll never get where you need to go in one piece. ... read more
The Anger Thief

The Anger Thief

Aug 26, 2021 by Authentic Manhood
We say stuff when we’re mad that we don’t necessarily mean but can never take back. ... read more
The Freedom of Boundaries

The Freedom of Boundaries

Jul 29, 2021 by Authentic Manhood
Think back to your days as a teen. Were you compliant or rebellious? Did you desire to grow up quickly and demand to be treated as a man or were you content to regard your adolescent years as the transitional period that they are in our culture? ... read more
A Knife and Fear

A Knife and Fear

Jun 24, 2021 by Authentic Manhood
My friend Morgan Snyder tells a story of one day driving with his pre-teen son. They were on their way to an adventure, I’m not sure what, a hunt, hike, fishing trip maybe. But he asked his son, “What are the top things a man needs to survive?” After a few moments his son replied, “A cell phone and a wallet.” Morgan was thrown off balance. In his son’s mind, and maybe in the world today, the basic survival tools begin with a cell phone and a wallet. Well, that is probably right in... read more
Decide For Yourself

Decide For Yourself

Apr 29, 2021 by Authentic Manhood
Pornography is like a drug. ... read more
The Most Viewed Posts of 2020

The Most Viewed Posts of 2020

Dec 29, 2020 by Authentic Manhood
I don't have to tell you that the year 2020 has been one unlike any other. From pandemics to economic uncertainty to political turmoil, 2020 will be a year most are happy to say good-bye to. Despite all this, or maybe BECAUSE of all this, our culture has never been in more need of authentic men, who live lives of truth, passion, and purpose. Below are our 5 most read blog posts of 2020 to help you on your personal journey to Authentic Manhood. You'll find helpful articles on subjects like... read more
Finding Heart

Finding Heart

Nov 26, 2020 by Authentic Manhood
Tierce Green had to get out of church to find God. ... read more
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