The Power of Friendships

The Power of Friendships

Jun 27, 2024 by Authentic Manhood
Isolation aids secret sins. Samson had no friends to hold him accountable. Look at Judges 14: ... read more
Finding Shelter in the Psalms

Finding Shelter in the Psalms

Apr 25, 2024 by Authentic Manhood
Storms are coming. Find shelter. ... read more
The Call to Follow Christ

The Call to Follow Christ

Jan 19, 2024 by Authentic Manhood
As Jesus said, following Him requires a complete surrender of ourselves in obedience to Him: “If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will find it” (Matt. 16:24-25). ... read more
Be Bold Enough to Have Courage

Be Bold Enough to Have Courage

Jun 29, 2023 by Authentic Manhood
All great golfers seem to have a defining shot. There have been so many through the years. One of my favorites, however, was Phil Mickelson's second shot from the pine straw of the 13th hole during the final round of the 2010 Masters. ... read more
Vulnerable Warriors

Vulnerable Warriors

May 30, 2023 by Authentic Manhood
Our thoughts, and the emotions they produce, drive our lives forward for good or evil. Satan knows this. More to the heart of the issue, our emotions powerfully influence our perceptions of reality, and those perceptions ultimately drive our behaviors. Satan knows this too. ... read more
The Power of the Playbook

The Power of the Playbook

Jan 26, 2023 by Authentic Manhood
Because Jesus knew He needed to rely on God’s Word, He was willing to memorize it and use it as a defense against the Enemy. Having Scripture in His mind kept Him strong in the face of temptation and allowed Him to keep His relationship with God perfect (see Psalm 119:9-16). This was all a part of the preparation for executing the ultimate play. Jesus had to follow the playbook. ... read more
Our Most Popular Posts of 2022

Our Most Popular Posts of 2022

Dec 29, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
The final pages of 2022 are upon us, yet despite all the progress forward, we're still faced with a great deal of uncertainty about what lies ahead for 2023. However, you can be certain about how to live a life of truth, passion, and purpose as a man by taking a journey with Authentic Manhood. Part of that journey is the help and encouragement provided through our blog. To make sure you didn't miss our most popular articles, here's the best of the best from the past 12 months. You'll find... read more
The Disease of Silence

The Disease of Silence

Aug 31, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
It’s true that Eve ate the fruit. But curiously, when God came looking for the responsible party, it was Adam he called out to instead of his wife. Evidently, Adam was ultimately responsible. We read in the text, “The LORD God called out to the man and said to him, ‘Where are you?’ ” (Gen 3:9). Notice that by using the name LORD God, the writer reasserted God’s authority that Satan had tried to subvert. But also notice that God didn’t call out, “Adam? Eve? Where are... read more
The Rock

The Rock

Jul 28, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
Some incidents in the life of Peter provide an illustration of how each of us is influenced by Satan’s tricks and our own sinfulness. ... read more
The Gift of Church Engagement

The Gift of Church Engagement

Apr 28, 2022 by Authentic Manhood
One of the greatest gifts a man can give his family is consistency and leadership in the life of the local church. ... read more
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