Moving Faith from the Head to the Heart

Moving Faith from the Head to the Heart

Oct 3, 2024 by Bill Delvaux
One of the most common struggles that men come to me with for spiritual direction is the divide they feel between their head and heart. It comes up in a hundred different ways, but the gist of it is this: They know something about God, maybe a lot, but they don’t experience Him in their hearts. ... read more
Why Walking with God is The Great Adventure

Why Walking with God is The Great Adventure

May 23, 2024 by Bill Delvaux
An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered. An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered. – G. K. Chesterton ... read more
The Identity Crisis in Men

The Identity Crisis in Men

Apr 18, 2023 by Bill Delvaux
There is an identity crisis in men today. I see the symptoms of it everywhere I look: In the exhaustion of men who run too hard or just run away. In the inner turbulence they bring to their marriages and families. In the binding power of addictions that imprison a man’s soul. And finally in the tragic gender deconstruction of our culture. ... read more
The Real Story Behind St. Patrick's Day

The Real Story Behind St. Patrick's Day

Mar 13, 2023 by Bill Delvaux
St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner. We mostly think of wearing green to celebrate, but the man behind the holiday has held a growing fascination for me. Perhaps it’s because he lived as a missionary, something I wanted to become when I was a young man. Or perhaps it’s the autobiography he wrote, simply called Confessio, a document that is the starting point for Irish history. Or perhaps it’s the legacy he left. The Irish church was largely responsible for keeping Christianity... read more
The Two Choices of Love

The Two Choices of Love

Dec 7, 2022 by Bill Delvaux
In my work with men over the years, and now especially as a spiritual director, there is one issue that keeps surfacing. It’s not porn or infidelity. It’s not addictions or anxieties. Underneath all of these, I see something else. Here it is: ... read more
How Digital Media Harms Us

How Digital Media Harms Us

May 26, 2022 by Bill Delvaux
Digital media can harm us. This is not a new subject to any of us. But I felt it imperative to throw in my thoughts as a spiritual director. None of these thoughts are original, but perhaps seeing them summarized may be helpful. In addition, while the whole topic is disturbing, we have choices that can keep us untangled. There is always hope with the resurrected Jesus. With that said, here are three of the more significant ways digital media can harm us: ... read more
What Are You Attached To?

What Are You Attached To?

Sep 28, 2021 by Bill Delvaux
We were born with a drive to attach. It’s not an option. We will attach to something, either life-giving or life-destroying. Which path are you on? What are you attached to? Let’s start by explaining a bit of Attachment Theory, developed from research in the 1960s and 70s. ... read more
Pay Attention to the Voices

Pay Attention to the Voices

Mar 29, 2021 by Bill Delvaux
It’s confession time. Heidi will tell me something, and my mind is a million miles away, focused on something else. Then five minutes later I will ask her a question about the very thing she was telling me. I’m caught with no excuses! I wasn’t listening to her. I was just pretending to. I didn’t pay attention to her voice. In the same way, a man is constantly hearing voices in his head. I’m not talking about those with some sort of psychosis. I’m speaking about sane, well-adjusted... read more
What's Your Mission for The Year?

What's Your Mission for The Year?

Jan 27, 2021 by Bill Delvaux
The future seems to outsmart the best of us. No one could have foreseen what the past year or two would be like. So I refuse any temptation to prognosticate about this year. But I can speak to how we can face it. Let’s start with a question: What’s your mission for the year? To have a mission means you can’t be hunkering down, in survival mode, or just getting by. Instead, you are on a quest that focuses your heart and your life. Here’s how I describe my mission for year, a mission big... read more
Men Still Need to Charge Dragons

Men Still Need to Charge Dragons

Oct 20, 2020 by Bill Delvaux
The mythical figure of a dragon is found in countless stories and tales from ancient times. One of my favorites is the legend of St. George and the Dragon from the 11th century. As the story goes, a dragon was terrorizing the countryside and the only way to appease it was through human sacrifice, chosen by lot. Sadly, the lot at some point fell on the king’s daughter. But while she was awaiting her doom, St. George rode up on horseback and decided to challenge the dragon in order to save the... read more
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