The Brotherhood of the Quest

The Brotherhood of the Quest

Jul 27, 2020 by Bill Delvaux
We love stories or movies where a group of men are on a mission together, accomplishing some worthy task. The face danger along the way, work through the obstacles, and fight off enemies that attack. Start with Lord of the Rings or Saving Private Ryan for epic versions of this quest. For historical tales, look at Endurance, the story of Shackleford’s attempt to reach the South Pole or Undaunted Courage, the account of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Here we have men on the move, seeking to do... read more
The Coronavirus Choice: Finding the Good

The Coronavirus Choice: Finding the Good

Apr 21, 2020 by Bill Delvaux
We are now moving into the second month of this pandemic. The effects of it have been challenging in some places, tragic in others. While I do not want to mitigate in any way the sufferings that some have endured, I do think there is another side. There is a rather large silver lining to this blackened cloud. So again we have a choice with the Coronavirus: finding the good or focusing on the bad. The list that ... read more
Why Men Must Become Mindful

Why Men Must Become Mindful

Jan 23, 2020 by Bill Delvaux
It has happened on more than one occasion. I’m in a conversation with a man that turns to the deeper matters of the heart. Instead of engaging me, he pulls back and says something like this, “I’m just not one of those touchy-feely guys.” ... read more
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