3 Gifts Needed to Enter Manhood

3 Gifts Needed to Enter Manhood

Sep 29, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
Men in our culture are in trouble. Masculinity is in crisis mode. The signs are everywhere. Men are confused and wavering. The stats on fatherlessness are alarming and growing. So is the sexual violence that seems to be aired everywhere. Everyone is pointing out symptoms or pointing fingers. I want to point to something else. I want to point to a door that has been opened.... read more
Converted Work

Converted Work

Sep 22, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
Why do you work? Why do you work hard? If you're one of the "driven" types, why are you so motivated? Why do you care about advancing in your field, climbing the corporate ladder, growing your business, getting the next promotion, developing the new product?... read more
The Most Watched Movie of All Time

The Most Watched Movie of All Time

Sep 14, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
Sometimes in my classes to students or adults, we would take up the topic of famous movies. I would first have them guess the most popular movies of all time. Then I would reveal the top four based on ticket sales, adjusted for inflation:... read more
4 Ways Men Resist God

4 Ways Men Resist God

Aug 30, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
The idea of resisting God may seem ridiculous at first. After all, how can something created resist its Creator? How can the lesser push back against the greater? But the testimony of Scripture and the stories of our lives attest to the fact that we do in fact resist God. I want to state it even stronger. I believe that all growth toward intimacy with God involves confronting the resistance in our souls and choosing to push through it. I have felt it in my own life and watched it play out in... read more
Is Greg Laurie Offensive?

Is Greg Laurie Offensive?

Aug 17, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
It’s just an image. An image created in a photoshop-type program that depicts a man holding a book. No words. No symbols. Just a black book. Why would people be so offended that they demand it removed and threaten harm if their demands aren’t met?... read more
11 Diagnostic Questions for your Heart

11 Diagnostic Questions for your Heart

Aug 13, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
An idol is anything that competes with God for your heart's affection. Pastor Martin Lloyd-Jones has said an idol is usually whatever "rouses and attracts me so easily that I give my time, my attention, my energy and my money to it effortlessly."... read more
Suffering for Righteousness' Sake

Suffering for Righteousness' Sake

Jul 31, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
By: Dr. Tony Evans ... read more
Why Men Don't Read, and Why They Should

Why Men Don't Read, and Why They Should

Jul 20, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
One of the constant conversations I have with men is the stress they feel at work. They are expected to do more on the job with less help. They feel pressured to email and text on weekends. Margins for rest erode. Time to re-create is pushed aside. And one of those things pushed aside is reading.... read more
In His Image

In His Image

Jul 12, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
In the very first book of the Bible we see God model something for us—leadership. He does what leaders do, he takes the initiative for the benefit of others. This is what we see him doing in Genesis 1 and 2. He acts. He initiates. He does something. God looks into the darkness and chaos and he speaks light and life into existence. He creates stars, streams, and solar systems. He orders and arranges creation. God was not passive. He acted. And when he finished, he enjoyed his creation: “And... read more
Looking for Strength

Looking for Strength

Jun 22, 2018 by Authentic Manhood
What makes you feel strong? Where do you go to find strength to walk through life? For men, the strength issue is a massive one. I saw that first hand when taught high school. Here I watched young men looking for their strength in all sorts of ways: aggressively pumping iron, hyper-focusing on athletics, bullying others, using drugs and alcohol, flirting with girls, trying to be the alpha male, being a part of the cool crowd. What was interesting in our classroom conversations about strength is... read more
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