Bless Your Community
Catalyzers are meant to accelerate, to expand, and to inspire. One of the six Work Catalyzers we discuss in A Man and His Work is to use your work-related talents to bless your community. A clear example of this is Keith Jackson. Keith is a former NFL tight-end who is one busy guy, yet still find time to use his skills to serve the community.
While Keith Jackson feels blessed to have had an exciting NFL career with the Philadelphia Eagles, Miami Dolphins, and Green Bay Packers, he is even more excited about embracing opportunities to bless his community.
Since retiring from the NFL, Keith's work-life has taken him in a number of different directions. He travels frequently as a much-in-demand speaker, serves as the color commentator for college football games, is TV spokesman for a variety of businesses, and is a successful entrepreneur in his own right. As busy as he is, he makes it a priority to use his work-related talents to bless others and make a difference in his community.
In addition to all of his work responsibilities, Keith founded and and leads a program (P.A.R.K. — Positive Atmosphere Reaches Kids). He applies the same hard work and leadership skills that have made him a successful businessman to the PARK program.
His willingness to share his time and skills with the community has blessed hundreds of kids with a new hope and purpose in life that they never thought could be possible. Hundreds who would have never even thought about the possibility of college have graduated from the PARK program to earn college scholarships. Even better, God is using Keith to point kids to Jesus as the ultimate hope in their lives and then discipling them in His truths.
Keith is a great example of a man who believes that God put him on this earth to do more than just chase success, make money, and pursue power. His goal is to use the talents and skills that God has given him to bless others and bring glory to God in his community. May his example inspire all of us to use the skills we've developed in our careers to bless our communities outside of our work-lives.